泡泡趣為販售氣泡咖啡為主。 該品牌名稱呼應回憶象徵兒時的純真,將泡泡的口感加入大人的飲料裡,泡泡趣也想將這樣的兒時感受分享給更多大朋友們。品牌設計創意發想時針對希望以一種簡單直覺的方式呈現給消費者,因此將英文字轉換一個角度,提供不同的視覺閱讀方向產生趣味。
Main products of Pao Pao Fun are include bubble coffee, coffee, bubble tea etc. To the brand, meaning of the blue bubble is open spaces, simple idea and childhood memories. Pao Pao Fun would like to turn back the time, and share best memories of childhood for everyone.
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© 2022, an_Vision Design Ltd.