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● Intro
旬,是節氣循環、風日條件。鹽花,採收自漂浮於滷水上層最先析出的雪白結晶,料理後輕撒於食材上提味。此系列產品分為夏至0627/秋分0930(兩款): 24節氣,傳達(出產品與)季節 (及)氣候的連結;數字是採收日期,強調旬鹽花特定的風日條件。包裝設計以細膩俐落的方形結構,虛實之間的線條與色塊,分佈外盒表面。靈感來自採收鹽花時,在鹽田中閃閃發光的方形結晶。產品標準字展現鏗鏘有力的自信,配合硬挺的明體字形,堅實的筆畫優雅細膩地佇立著。金箔燙印暗示季節,夏至採用銀白閃亮色調,猶如採收時的烈日驕陽,不同角度下的七彩,象徵著梅雨過後的彩虹;而金黃的色澤烙印在雪白如絲的紙上,正如秋分豐盛美好的意象躍然眼前。
旬鹽花 means “salt flowers of the sun.” Even our name is steeped in the ancient Chinese traditions of the lunisolar calendar and its relationship to Mother Nature. The旬 (“xǘn”) is the ten-day solar week but also means the cycles of sun and wind, which move the 氣 (“qì”), the vital energy that permeates all. For the Taiwanese public, our name evokes the 24 “solar terms” of the year, a tradition that extends back to the Zhōu Dynasty, over 3,000 years ago. Our two product lines are named after two such terms: 夏至, the Summer Solstice, and 秋分, the Autumn Equinox, which have special significance in Chinese culture. The “harvest” date is clearly marked on each box and bottle to emphasize the exact solar, wind, and weather – and therefore the specific qì, the energy, of each batch.
Our “flowers of salt” are harvested from the first snow-white crystals that emerge atop our brine pools. These delicate crystals are equally prized by master chefs and gourmands alike. They are equally suited to rigors of both the kitchen and the dinner table.
Our packaging takes inspiration from the square shapes of sun-dried crystals glittering in the salt fields during harvest. Delicate squares, lines, and color blocks are interspersed throughout white fields. Each traditional Chinese character is written with bold yet elegant strokes and powerful though delicate outlines.
The gold foil stamping evokes the seasons. The Summer Solstice line shines like the sun blazing above during a summer harvest and radiates an iridescence at different angles, symbolizing the rainbow after the spring rains. The Autumn Equinox line glows in shades of gold, spreading warmth and glamour over snowy-white silk paper.
● Intro
旬,是節氣循環、風日條件。鹽花,採收自漂浮於滷水上層最先析出的雪白結晶,料理後輕撒於食材上提味。此系列產品分為夏至0627/秋分0930(兩款): 24節氣,傳達(出產品與)季節 (及)氣候的連結;數字是採收日期,強調旬鹽花特定的風日條件。包裝設計以細膩俐落的方形結構,虛實之間的線條與色塊,分佈外盒表面。靈感來自採收鹽花時,在鹽田中閃閃發光的方形結晶。產品標準字展現鏗鏘有力的自信,配合硬挺的明體字形,堅實的筆畫優雅細膩地佇立著。金箔燙印暗示季節,夏至採用銀白閃亮色調,猶如採收時的烈日驕陽,不同角度下的七彩,象徵著梅雨過後的彩虹;而金黃的色澤烙印在雪白如絲的紙上,正如秋分豐盛美好的意象躍然眼前。
旬鹽花 means “salt flowers of the sun.” Even our name is steeped in the ancient Chinese traditions of the lunisolar calendar and its relationship to Mother Nature. The旬 (“xǘn”) is the ten-day solar week but also means the cycles of sun and wind, which move the 氣 (“qì”), the vital energy that permeates all. For the Taiwanese public, our name evokes the 24 “solar terms” of the year, a tradition that extends back to the Zhōu Dynasty, over 3,000 years ago. Our two product lines are named after two such terms: 夏至, the Summer Solstice, and 秋分, the Autumn Equinox, which have special significance in Chinese culture. The “harvest” date is clearly marked on each box and bottle to emphasize the exact solar, wind, and weather – and therefore the specific qì, the energy, of each batch.
Our “flowers of salt” are harvested from the first snow-white crystals that emerge atop our brine pools. These delicate crystals are equally prized by master chefs and gourmands alike. They are equally suited to rigors of both the kitchen and the dinner table.
Our packaging takes inspiration from the square shapes of sun-dried crystals glittering in the salt fields during harvest. Delicate squares, lines, and color blocks are interspersed throughout white fields. Each traditional Chinese character is written with bold yet elegant strokes and powerful though delicate outlines.
The gold foil stamping evokes the seasons. The Summer Solstice line shines like the sun blazing above during a summer harvest and radiates an iridescence at different angles, symbolizing the rainbow after the spring rains. The Autumn Equinox line glows in shades of gold, spreading warmth and glamour over snowy-white silk paper.
© 2022, an_Vision Design Ltd.
© 2022, an_Vision Design Ltd.